Sussex Seamstress Sewing Blog

Printable Dressmaking Metric To Imperial Chart
Do you prefer to use imperial feet and inches to metric metres and centimeters? You can use a smartphone to convert between them pretty easily, but if you’d like something less techy our printable metric to imperial chart has got you covered.

Dressmaking For Complete Beginners
New to Dressmaking? Here’s some beginner’s information to get you started, including choosing a pattern, the easiest to use fabrics, understanding sizing, cutting layouts, and lots of other beginner friendly tips.

Sewing Crossword Puzzle (Printable)
Why not try our Sewing Crossword! Straight clues for a quick crossword, Cryptic clues if you want a challenge! Have fun :)

How To Sew A Rouleau Loop
This tutorial shows you how to sew Rouleau loops (those little loops you pop buttons through), using a Rouleau Turner.

Should I Buy An Overlocker (Serger)?
An overlocker (aka a serger) is a type of sewing machine specifically designed for finishing seams. They produce better, faster results than a traditional sewing machine - but should you buy one? Is an overlocker/serger worth the money? Well, it depends - let’s discuss…

Basic Stitch Types and Their Uses
Which sewing machine stitches do you actually need, and what are they for? Despite the dizzying array of stitch types on many machines, there’s only really a handful of stitch types that you’ll need for dressmaking, others are nice to have, but these are the basic types you’ll find on all sewing machines and will allow you to make any garment you wish.

A Tour of My Vintage Industrial Sewing Machine
Come see my Vintage Brother BD2-B755-3B industrial sewing machine! This old workhorse has been going for years and still works fine despite the odd bit of rust here and there. Let’s take a tour of all it’s bits and pieces and show you how an old industrial sewing machine works.

Sewing machine needles - types and uses
There are lots of sewing machine needle types & sizes. Here’s a quick guide to what they are all for.